Welcome to Ledyard Public Schools

Mr. Hartling

August 2024

Thank you for visiting the website for the Ledyard Public Schools. It is my hope that you find our website informative and helpful, but also gain a small glimpse of the many opportunities available to our students. Each day over 2,400 students enter our schools and are educated by an engaged and committed faculty and staff working together in partnership with families to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging and is equipped to succeed in their academic journey.

Student Orientation Events/Save the Date

Family involvement in school has shown to have a significant positive impact on student achievement. The home-school partnership remains a critical component of the educational process. Ledyard High School Orientation for grade 9 students is scheduled for this Wednesday, August 21 at 9:00 am. Ledyard Middle School grade 6 students are strongly encouraged to attend their Incoming orientation program on Monday, August 26 at 2:00 pm. Each elementary school is hosting Getting the Scoop on K’, Tuesday, August 27, 2:00 - 3:30 pm for kindergarten students

Save the date for Back to School Nights.  The schedule is as follows:

Ledyard Middle School – Sept 11 at 5:30 pm

Ledyard High School – Sept 12 at 6 pm

GFS & JWL Schools – Sept 18 at 6 pm 

Gallup Hill School – Sept 19 at 6 pm


Draft bus routes will be posted on August 22 on the District website and will be finalized NLT August 27. You are encouraged to use SafeStop App - SafeStop puts key information regarding the whereabouts of your child’s bus at your fingertips so you won’t lose time or energy wondering “where’s the bus?” 

Breakfast and Lunch Service 

For the 2024-25 school year, the State of Connecticut has provided funds to allow those qualified for Reduced Lunch to receive a single breakfast and  lunch at no charge. We strongly encourage and request that every family complete this year’s application to determine if they are currently eligible for free/reduced meals. 

As you explore the website and visit our schools, I am sure you will understand why it is such an honor to work alongside such a dedicated and caring team of faculty, staff, and administrators. I encourage you to partner with teachers and staff and to stay involved with our schools.  Thank you for your continued support and for your ongoing commitment to your child’s education. 

I wish you all a successful 2024-25 school year. 

Jay Hartling

Superintendent of Schools

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