Enrolling Students

Please note... For Kindergarten Enrollment Information please click here or scroll to the bottom of this page. 


Please be advised, all new student registrations begin with completing the online form as directed in Step 1 below. Appointments, if necessary, will take place at the district’s central office located at 4 Blonders Boulevard, Ledyard, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM and 2 PM. Please call the office prior to your arrival at 860-464-9255 extension 1300. 
Todas las inscripciones de nuevos estudiantes comienzan completando el formulario en línea como se indica en el Paso 1 a continuación. Las citas, si es necesario, se llevarán a cabo en la oficina central del distrito ubicada en 4 Blonders Blvd, Ledyard, de lunes a viernes entre las 9 a.m. y las 12 p.m.
Llame a la oficina al 860-464-9255, extensión 1300, si tienes preguntas, o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Ledyard Public Schools welcomes your new students! Click on the links below for detailed information and to download and complete the necessary forms needed to enroll your child.

All school age children who reside in Ledyard are entitled to attend Ledyard Public Schools.

We are happy that you chose Ledyard for your child's instructional needs and we look forward to the achievement of their academic successes.

Students experiencing homelessness are entitled to attend Ledyard Public Schools as their local school or school of origin. Ledyard Public Schools employs a McKinney-Vento homeless liaison to help identify, enroll and support the education of students experiencing homelessness. Please call 860-4564-9255.

Step 1:  Complete the form below

Please note that this form is only for school year 2024-2025 enrollments not including preschool, Agri-Science program and kindergarten open enrollment-spring registrations.

2024-2025 Enrollment Form   Begin Here!

Once you have completed the Google form above, the next step is to complete step 2, then only one of the step 3 choices as it pertains to the type of enrollment: 

Step 2: Residency Requirements

Step 3Enrollment for Ledyard Public Schools

Please note:  Documents for steps 2 and 3 can be sent together in an email to [email protected].
Important: Please submit PDF attachments and do not send pictures or image files as they will not be accepted. 

Our Enrollment Process  - Mobile Device Friendly


If you have any questions about the enrollment process at Ledyard Public Schools, please contact the Central Office at 860-464-9255 ext. 1300.

Ledyard Public Schools has made a concerted effort to identify and remove students and families who are falsifying residency papers for the sole purpose of obtaining school accommodations.  Please contact the Superintendent's Office at 860-464-9255 ext. 1000  if you have any information you believe may be helpful to identify these students. All information will be kept confidential.

Immunization Requirements

Change of Address Form

If you moved, please complete the Change of Address Form (link above) and submit the form along with your proof of residency documents to [email protected] or call the Central Office at 860-464-9255.
